
I'm a wife, mother, writer, reader, and blogger. I read and review, and promote romances, and you can find those here. (These stories are YA Crossover, New Adult, and Adult within a variety of subgenres. Content is usually rated PG to R.)

I've had some requests to review children's books so I started this blog. The goal is to review and promote material for children to young adults. (Romance may or may not appear in the YA genre, but I'm hoping it's minor when it does appear.) Content will be range from G to R, with a heavy focus on G to PG13, even though I know some young adult stories venture into more mature themes and language.

I believe that a love of reading begins at a young age. If it's encouraged, that child will continue reading well into their adult years. I hope to provide material that adults will share with a child they know that will encourage that child to read and let their imagination fly.

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